Awash In Stress, Wading In Past Trauma, And Clinging To The Side Of The Hormone Pool
Do you ever picture a woman when you hear the term “midlife crisis”? Me neither. A vision of some midlife dude with a comb-over, gold chain, leased hotrod, and his way-too-young babe of the week in the passenger seat always came to mind. In fact, until I read a seminal piece by my virtual-BFF Brené…
Read MoreWhy You Can’t Sleep In Perimenopause And What To Do About It.
Have you ever tossed and turned all night? If it’s a once-in-awhile thing, it’s not all that big a deal. But when one night turns to two. Then three and four, it can set off all the body’s alarms. In turn sending your entire system into panic mode. As if perimenopause wasn’t challenging enough,…
Read MoreA Holistic Approach to Perimenopause and Business with Dr. Sam Graber – The Midlife CEO Podcast
Jeannie Spiro invited me to join her on The Midlife CEO Podcast to talk about how our hormones help or hinder us in business. In this episode we talk about: What happens to our hormones during perimenopause. The discovery that many women encounter during this stage of hormonal flux. How to manage perimenopause and menopause…
Read MoreThe Menopausal Monkey Mind. And How To Keep Her Focused.
Being “in the present” sounds like it should be easy. Right? Just be “here”. Wherever “here” may be for you. I mean you’re already physically “here”, so put ‘er in Park and be in the moment. Easier said than done. “Ugh…why is it so dang hard to truly be present?” It’s not necessarily physically difficult. …
Read MoreThe Antidote To Stress In Perimenopause
The antidote to stress in perimenopause is resilience. Stressors vary person to person. What stresses you may not stress me, and vice versa. What is consistent amongst us is that we all feel some level of stress on a daily basis. Whether we want to acknowledge it consciously or not, our bodies and our subconscious…
Read MoreWhy Your Adrenals Need Extra Love During Midlife
Imagine this … it’s a particularly tiring Friday after a rather stressful week during an absolutely exhausting month. You’ve “done had it” with everything and everyone. T.G.I.F. vibes are dialed up to MAX levels today! As you’re packing your briefcase, playing the mental “what’s in the fridge for dinner” game, you get a call. It’s…
Read MoreThe Mama Bear Effect (AKA the Tend and Befriend Stress Response)
Stress. Who doesn’t deal with their fair share on the daily. Nobody I know. Can you think of anyone? Maybe a Buddhist monk or a yogi living in Costa Rica sustaining on mangoes and good vibes. For the rest of us, stress is a major player in our lives. Shifting the Narrative Despite that reality, we don’t need…
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