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The Execupreneur's Edge

Hosted by: Samantha Graber

Unraveling Together is a podcast for women who opt out of the narrative that our best years are behind us and that we are now relegated to the back burner of society. We know our best is before us.

The Unraveling Together Podcast is where we are free to talk about the things "we just don't talk about". Sharing wisdom with those who come after us is a crucial aspect of our personal growth.

Ee 057 Theres A Type 3 Diabetes

EE 057: There’s a Type 3 Diabetes? When did that happen?


Yes…there is a Type 3 Diabetes. The all-too-common and rising-in-numbers Alzheimer’s Disease is often referred to as Type 3 Diabetes.  Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is associated with 50-80% of reported memory loss in people ages 65 and older.  It affects the way you think and your behavior. We used to just see AD in our elders,…

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Ee 056 A Certain Set

EE 056: A Certain Set of Skills, a Specific Blend of Character Traits and a Hefty, Hefty, Hefty Bag of Tricks


You may be asking yourself what an EXECUpreneur is right about now.  That would be a natural reaction to seeing what is most likely a new term in your vocabulary. EXECUpreneur is a hybrid word.  I like to use it because the principles I will discuss in the EXECUpreneur’s EDGE apply to those in the entrepreneurial space as well as corporate executives. …

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Ee 055 A 5 Step Program

EE 055: A 5-Step Program for Procrastinators. Enrollment is Free and Starts in 5-4-3-2-1…


Procrastination is the default setting of the modern American. We tend to undervalue the destruction procrastination leaves in its wake.  The total cost is incalculable when it comes to our health. We can joke about the trials and tribulations of our procrastination habit.  But there’s really nothing funny about it when it comes to our health and well being.  Truth be told, procrastination is pretty much the most crippling behavior there…

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Ee 054 If Your A1c

EE 054: If Your A1c is O-M-G…Do These Three Things


What if over the next 90 days, you could lower your A1c without a pill, potion or powdered concoction? Sounds pretty amazing doesn’t it? It’s both amazing, and possible. In this post, I will share the 3 rules of thumb my clients follow to lower their A1c in 90 days. Before we dive into the details, let’s review what A1c is and why it matters to you. A1c is the…

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Ee 053 5 Easy Ways

EE 053: 5 Easy Ways You Can Build Your Self-Confidence for Business Success


To be a successful entrepreneur, you have to have the self-confidence to face the many challenges you will encounter along your journey. There will be many times when you will have to step out of your comfort zone and do things that are uncomfortable. If you are struggling with self-confidence, here are five tips that can help you build your confidence so that you…

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Ee 052 Its Like Watching

EE 052: It’s Like Watching Someone Eat With The Hopes That You Will Get Full


“Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt.”  William Shakespeare Self-doubt is one of the primary reasons many don’t take action towards losing weight, again. They weigh their options (no pun intended). “This program or that one?” “Let’s see…last time I counted points and went to meetings.  The last, last time I went plant-based but didn’t keep that up…

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Ee 050 6 Habits

EE 050: 6 Habits to Cultivate an Entrepreneurial Mindset


When it comes to starting a business and becoming an entrepreneur, not everyone is born with the personality traits that are needed to become successful. In fact, many of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs had to learn along the way and develop the characteristics to become successful. Whether you have an existing business or are looking to launch a new venture, one of the most…

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Ee 049 4 Ways To Be

EE 049: 4 Ways to Be More Productive Without Losing Your Marbles


Are you constantly searching for new ways to become more productive?  Making progress? It seems that in this day and age there are simply too many distractions that we have to face on a regular basis. It becomes easy to lose focus on what we should be doing at any given moment because we’re constantly checking our social…

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Ee 048 Fishing With Dr Sam

EE 048: “Fishing with Dr. Sam”…a Metaphor for Fat Loss


I don’t know about you, but I’ve had it with the so-called “weight loss experts”.  Calling them used car salesmen would be an insult to used car salesmen. If I hear one more say “Eat Less, Move More” I’m going to scream! That is not how weight loss works, fat loss in particular.  Now I could let my inner Geek Girl…

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Ee 047 How To Find

EE 047: How to Find Your Passion and Become a Successful EXECUpreneur


For anyone dreaming of becoming an EXECUpreneur, finding your passion is the quickest way to increase your odds of being successful. The passion you have for what you do will help you to overcome challenges and persuade people to want to do business with you. But, what if you don’t know what you’re passionate about? If you’re putting off your dreams of becoming a…

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