Unraveling Together Blog with Sam Graber
The Podcast
The Unraveling Together podcast is where you can dive deeper into exploring midlife, menopause and meaning.
The Blog
Dr. Sam is just a girl trying to change the world. Her blog is chock full of musings ranging from the thought provoking to poking holes in the status quo.
The Community
The Unraveling Together community is where rebellious midlife women share, grow and challenge themselves to make the most of life.
Top 10 Midlife Metabolism Makeover Tips
If your weight is increasing no matter how much you cut calories and up the exercise, you're not alone. This is the #1 complaint of midlife women I speak with. Rest assured it isn't as hard to reverse the process as you're led to believe by the pill pushers and device slingers. I’ve boiled down the process into simple steps for you to follow.
Passion Uncovering Qs
Every human needs to do a deeper dive into what truly drives them, especially in the midlife phase of life. These 10 Qs are a fantastic place to start. I walk you through the process with this Infographic and YouTube video so you can uncover how you really feel about your life and business.
Mindfulness Video Lesson
Learn a simple strategy for taming your stress that you can do when you feel stress taking root. The lesson is 7 minutes and the daily strategy takes one minute or less...you’ve got one minute to love thyself, don’t you?
Enneagram Type Checklist
Let’s uncover what your heart’s heart is trying to tell you. This starts with a simple Enneagram exploration. I’ve boiled down the process to four simple steps for you to follow.
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