Boost Your Confidence To Hone Your EXECUpreneur’s EDGE
December 9, 2020
Nothing says more than when you say nothing at all. Your self-confidence is a major factor in how you come across to others. It boils down to the way you look, how you carry yourself, the way you enter a room and the words you use, both spoken and written.
Do you have the level of self-confidence you need to see through your EXECUpreneur-level goals and dreams? Or do you need a little refining?
If you’re deluded enough to think you’ve got it all wired, good on ya…no need to listen on.
But if you’re like the rest of us, you can always use a little polishing of the good silver. Sit a spell, listen intently and boost your self-confidence with me on the EXECUpreneur’s EDGE Podcast.