The Execupreneur's Edge
Hosted by: Samantha Graber
Unraveling Together is a podcast for women who opt out of the narrative that our best years are behind us and that we are now relegated to the back burner of society. We know our best is before us.
The Unraveling Together Podcast is where we are free to talk about the things "we just don't talk about". Sharing wisdom with those who come after us is a crucial aspect of our personal growth.
EE 067: Lower Your Stress Levels with Nutritional Ketosis
You see, stress isn’t just that feeling of pressure or anxiety when something is beyond your control. That is the form of stress we are most familiar with, as it is the easiest one to notice. But stress isn’t about the external influences (stressor), or the most obvious effects of them. Stress is an inside job. …
EE 067: Lower Your Stress Levels with Nutritional Ketosis
You see, stress isn’t just that feeling of pressure or anxiety when something is beyond your control. That is the form of stress we are most familiar with, as it is the easiest one to notice. But stress isn’t about the external influences (stressor), or the most obvious effects of them. Stress is an inside job. …
EE 066: Why Low Carb Is Not A “Fad Diet” But A Lifestyle, Keto Too
As a result of your efforts, you likely had some degree of success. But in time, as with any “fad” diet, it became too hard to maintain. Typically, this is what happens with most who approach eating low carb as “going on a diet”…it becomes faddish. Fads fade fast. NEWS FLASH… low carb is not a “fad,” but rather a lifestyle change….
EE 065: The Importance of an EXECUpreneurial Fire in the Belly
Though I’ve said it before, you cannot build a successful business empire (or even a small village) on passion alone. Now, you have to have it or you’ll never push through the BS. And there will be BS. Mark my words. Passion represents one of the most important aspects of becoming a successful entrepreneur or corporate exec. Without passion…
EE 064: What Is Spiritual Detox and Why Do We ALL Need It?
Usually, when you mention the word spirituality, people get a little nervous. I’m sure you don’t need me to remind you that spirituality is a fairly touchy subject in our day and age. After all, personal autonomy is our number one value, and anything that we feel impedes or limits that sense of personal autonomy, is problematic. Am I right? Either we’re suspicious…
EE 062: Say Goodbye to Blowhards and Micromanagers With the EXECUpreneur’s EDGE
Building an empire. Leaving a legacy. Forging a path where there was none before. Making a lasting impact on the world. These are the things that motivate many to wade into the EXECUpreneurial waters. Or maybe it’s the lure of being your own boss. Being at the helm; in charge. Never again having to answer to some blowhard boss who couldn’t find his way out of…
EE 061: What Is A Whole-istic Detox and Why is It Superior to All Other Kinds of Detox Programs?
A “Whole”-istic detox works with the complete person. Please understand that you’re not just your skin, bones, muscle tissue, hair, digestive system, circulatory system, and reproductive system. You’re made up of more than that. The best way to explain this is to look at the brain. The brain, of course, is made up of billions, if not trillions of nerve cells….
EE 060: Americans Were Sold Out to Feed This Man’s Ego
A few posts back on the EXECUpreneur’s EDGE blog, I debunked one of the tallest nutrition tales ever told sold. Remember the “Cholesterol is your enemy…and other nonsense you should ignore” expose? I received an overwhelming amount of feedback on that post. Readers shared with me that they had never heard it explained in “real people’s” language and were thankful I blended…
EE 059: 4 Tips for Slaying Your Fears to Achieve Entrepreneurial Success
Fear can be extraordinarily crippling and has been the Achilles heel of many an entrepreneur. Unfortunately, for them, the overwhelming feeling of stepping outside their comfort zone is just too much to bear and stops them from achieving success. If you want to obtain success on your entrepreneurial journey, you have to face your fears. I’m talking, stare them in the face and…
EE 058: Socrates Said Some Simple Yet Profound Things In His Day…This One Applies To Business Too.
I agree with Socrates on many a thing. One with which I strongly align is his philosophy that “the unexamined life is not worth living”. I’m in 100% alignment there. Let’s apply that to business. I propose to you that the business that is not continually examined and re-examined on every measurable level, is a business not worth owning. I am channeling my inner Jay Abraham with this one. I listen…